Ylva Tilda Lambrechts
Science fiction and fantasy from Belgium.
As yet unpublished – but hope springs eternal.
Glitchy gadgets, sarcastic frogs and waffle galore
Thanks for dropping by. I hope to have some stories for you soon… Watch this space!

“In Belgium, absurd tales basically write themselves, but rarely do we get any with an SF or fantasy element. So, well done Tildie for landing a flying saucer on our biennial flower carpet, right next to the secret vampire rehabilitation centre.”
“Very disappointing. Not a ripped shirt in sight, no sign of a charismatic space hunk or the slightest tall dark hero, and far too many over-worked fairy godmothers, ill-fitting space suits and incomprehensible FTL drive manuals. Avoid.”
“BIjatlh ‘e’ yImev, petaQ!”
“I love her stories. More bittersweet than funny at times, but they really stick in my mind. Keep ’em coming, Tildie! I take the train a lot, and I’d be bored without a good read…”

The future: probably more of the same, but with colonies in space
And plenty of waffles. Hopefully.