
A few things to bear in mind

Please note the following…

  • This site – ylvatildalambrechts.be & ylvatildalambrechts.com – contains feeble and potentially misguided attempts at humour. They may not be to everyone’s taste, but none will ever be meant to add to anyone’s burdens, or indeed dismiss them. If I’ve been thoughtless in one of my posts, please don’t hesitate to tell me, and please give me a chance to sort out any real clangers.
  • My stories are works of fiction. What my characters say or do doesn’t necessarily reflect my own views. Stories need villains (even if they’re just an arrogant cauldron or an entitled cargo bay door), and even the good guys may not agree on everything.
  • The people in my stories are imaginary; any resemblance to real individuals, living or departed, is completely coincidental. With one exception: some of my characters are a lot like me, and that’s fully intentional. Silly, maybe, but it amuses me.
  • My stories are written for entertainment. Nothing people say or do in them should be taken seriously or tried at home.
  • I’m not claiming expertise in any field other than being me. I don’t presume to provide advice on anything, and I’m not qualified to do so. Any personal opinions I may occasionally express, for example on the blog I may well eventually add, are just that: subjective and predictably flawed views based on gut feeling and a highly improvable understanding of the world.
  • Further notes are provided in the privacy policy and copyright notice.

Apologies for this excursion into the realms of tedious formality; I’m sure it’s all perfectly obviously. And thank you for visiting my site; I hope you enjoy it.